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王晟 吕同艳 吴中海 白玛多吉 叶强 尼玛次仁 沙龙滨

王晟, 吕同艳, 吴中海, 等, 2023. 藏南裂谷区晚第四纪泉华的ESR测年适用性研究. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 276-289. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023016
引用本文: 王晟, 吕同艳, 吴中海, 等, 2023. 藏南裂谷区晚第四纪泉华的ESR测年适用性研究. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 276-289. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023016
WANG Sheng, LYU Tongyan, WU Zhonghai, et al., 2023. Research on the applicability of electron spin resonance dating of the late Quaternary sinter deposits in the rift valley, southern Tibet. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 276-289. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023016
Citation: WANG Sheng, LYU Tongyan, WU Zhonghai, et al., 2023. Research on the applicability of electron spin resonance dating of the late Quaternary sinter deposits in the rift valley, southern Tibet. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 276-289. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023016


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023016

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20221644

国家自然科学基金面上项目 41877443

国家自然科学基金面上项目 42176226

国家自然科学基金地方联合基金 U2002211-04


    王晟(1997—),男,在读硕士,地理学专业。E-mail: Brucewooo@163.com


    吕同艳(1980—),女,博士,副研究员,从事第四纪地质与年代学研究。E-mail: lvtongyan@mail.cgs.gov.cn

  • 中图分类号: P533;P542;P595

Research on the applicability of electron spin resonance dating of the late Quaternary sinter deposits in the rift valley, southern Tibet


the China Geological Survey Project DD20221644

the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 41877443

the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 42176226

the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Local Government United Fund U2002211-04

  • 摘要:

    藏南裂谷区泉华(硅华和钙华)是受区域构造运动控制的水热活动产物,其形成年代对研究该区域水热活动历史有着重要意义。电子自旋共振(ESR)测年法是一种测定泉华年龄的有效测年手段。但存在硅华样品成分复杂,其ESR测年信号具有混合叠加、相互干扰的现象,影响ESR信号的读取;且应用ESR测年法对藏南的钙华样品研究较少,不利于全面掌握藏南水热活动历史等问题。因此对藏南泉华样品ESR测年适用性的研究将有助于指导藏南地区泉华ESR测年的准确性,同时为开展区域构造活动研究提供扎实的年代学基础。该文选取藏南阿里—日喀则地区搭格架热田区的硅华样品和夏康坚温泉区的钙华样品,开展了泉华样品的ESR信号选取和附加剂量影响、钙华ESR信号热稳定性探究,进而得到相对准确的泉华发育年代。研究结果表明:搭格架热田区第三、四级阶地处硅华分别形成于81±16 ka、177±20 ka,夏康坚温泉区河漫滩和第一级阶地处的钙华分别沉积于106±32 ka、264±26 ka。辐照剂量方面,藏南泉华样品在0~7680 Gy范围内对人工附加剂量响应良好;温度方面,硅华受封闭温度影响较小,钙华g=2.0034心信号在20~250 ℃范围具有良好的稳定性,适合ESR测年。矿物结构方面,藏南钙华的矿物纯度、结晶程度较好,ESR年龄结果相对准确。


  • 图  1  研究区位置与典型剖面及采样点分布

    a—研究区地理位置(据侯增谦等, 2001修改);b—夏康坚地垒和打加错地堑位置;c—夏康坚地垒横切剖面;d—打加错地堑横切剖面;e—搭格架热田区采样点位置;f—夏康坚温泉区采样点位置

    Figure  1.  Location of the study area and the distribution of the stypical profiles and sampling sites

    (a) The location of study area (modified from Hou et al., 2001); (b) The location of the Xiakangjian horst and the Dajiacuo graben; (c) The cross-section of the Xiakangjian horst; (d) The cross-section of the Dajiacuo graben; (e) Sampling sites in the Targejia geothermal field; (f) Sampling sites in the Xiakangjian hot spring

    图  2  搭格架、夏康坚泉华分布与采样示意图

    a—搭格架热田区河谷阶地剖面与采样点分布(据赵元艺等, 2006修改);b—夏康坚温泉区河谷阶地剖面与采样点分布;c—搭格架热田区部分硅华样品及其镜下照片(Tuf为凝灰岩)

    Figure  2.  The distribution of silica sinter and travertine deposits in the Targejia and Xiakangjian areas and the sampling sites

    (a) The valley terrace profile and sampling sites in the Targejia geothermal field (modified from Zhao et al., 2006); (b) The valley terrace profile and sampling sites in the Xiakangjian hot spring; (c) The travertine samples collected from the Targejia geothermal field and their microscope slices

    图  3  代表性泉华样品电子自旋共振(ESR)波谱图


    Figure  3.  Typical ESR resonance spectra of silica sinter and travertine samples

    (a) The ESR spectrum of the silica sinter sample; (b) The ESR spectrum of the travertine sample (XZ12); (c) The ESR spectrum of the travertine sample (XZ13)

    图  4  样品在不同辐照条件下的ESR信号强度拟合


    Figure  4.  ESR signal intensity fitting of samples under different irradiation conditions

    (a) The ESR signal intensity fitting of the sample XZ12 under different irradiation conditions; b—The ESR signal intensity fitting of the sample XZ04 under different irradiation conditions

    图  5  XZ12在不同加热温度下的ESR波谱

    Figure  5.  ESR resonance spectra of the sample XZ12 at different heating temperature

    图  6  加热后g=2.0034心ESR信号变化特征

    Figure  6.  The variation of ESR intensity of g=2.0034 after heating

    表  1  西藏泉华样品在不同附加剂量下的De值与R2参数

    Table  1.   The De value and R2 of the samples from the Tibetan travertine deposits in different additional doses

    样品名称 De(0~7084 Gy) R2 De(0~3680 Gy) R2 De(0~1961 Gy) R2
    XZ01 207±18 >0.99 203±21 >0.99 190±21 >0.99
    XZ02 181±30 >0.99 172±49 >0.99 136±55 >0.98
    XZ03 44±10 >0.99 42±8 >0.99 37±4 >0.99
    XZ04 258±60 >0.99 278±86 >0.98 299±162 >0.96
    XZ12 42±10 >0.99 38±11 >0.99 39±11 >0.99
    XZ13 105±9 >0.99 103±6 >0.99 90±5 >0.99
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    表  2  泉华样品ESR测年数据

    Table  2.   ESR dating results of the silica sinter and travertine samples

    样品编号 经纬度 样品类型 U/(ug/g) Th/(ug/g) K/% 等效剂量/Gy 年剂量率/(Gy/ka) ESR年龄/ka
    XZ01 85.75°E
    硅华 0.655 3.85 0.549 203±21 1.15±0.05 177±20
    XZ02 85.75°E
    硅华 0.280 0.222 0.096 172±49 0.39±0.03 441±130
    XZ03 85.75°E
    硅华 0.089 0.442 0.267 42±8 0.52±0.03 81±16
    XZ04 85.75°E
    硅华 0.355 2.340 0.424 278±86 0.86±0.04 300±71
    XZ12 85.01°E
    钙华 0.364 0.279 0.039 38±11 0.36±0.03 106±32
    XZ13 85.01°E
    钙华 0.610 0.140 0.018 103±6 0.39±0.03 264±26
    下载: 导出CSV
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