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孟文 田涛 孙东生 杨跃辉 李冉 陈群策

孟文, 田涛, 孙东生, 等, 2022. 基于原位地应力测试及流变模型的深部泥页岩储层地应力状态研究. 地质力学学报, 28 (4): 537-549. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022041
引用本文: 孟文, 田涛, 孙东生, 等, 2022. 基于原位地应力测试及流变模型的深部泥页岩储层地应力状态研究. 地质力学学报, 28 (4): 537-549. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022041
MENG Wen, TIAN Tao, SUN Dongsheng, et al., 2022. Research on stress state in deep shale reservoirs based on in-situ stress measurement and rheological model. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (4): 537-549. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022041
Citation: MENG Wen, TIAN Tao, SUN Dongsheng, et al., 2022. Research on stress state in deep shale reservoirs based on in-situ stress measurement and rheological model. Journal of Geomechanics, 28 (4): 537-549. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022041


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2022041

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 DD20211376

国家自然科学基金 41702351


    孟文(1987—),女,助理研究员,主要从事地应力观测、构造应力场综合研究与应用。E-mail: mwen19@sina.com


    田涛(1987—),男,高级工程师,主要从事非常规油气勘探开发工作。E-mail: tiantao870211@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P553;P554

Research on stress state in deep shale reservoirs based on in-situ stress measurement and rheological model


the China Geological Survey DD20211376

the NSF of China 41702351

  • 摘要: 深部泥页岩储层地应力状态的准确确定是页岩气等非常规能源高效开发的关键。综合基于原位地应力测试获得水平最小主应力,建立基于流变模型的地应力剖面,应用成像测井技术确定水平最大主应力方向等,是准确确定泥页岩储层地应力的有效方法。将该研究思路应用于陕西汉中SZ1井,利用水压致裂原地应力测试方法获得储层水平最小主应力值范围为32~41 MPa;利用偶极声波测井数据获得岩石力学参数,结合地壳应变率和储层埋藏史,建立了SZ1井地应力剖面,结果表明牛蹄塘组1950~2025 m深度范围内水平主应力差介于10~15 MPa,水平最小主应力值范围为28~41 MPa,水平最大主应力值范围为47~49 MPa,预测得到的水平最小主应力值与实测结果具有较好的一致性。原地应力实测及流变模型预测结果揭示SZ1井地应力为正断型(SvSHSh)或正断型与走滑型相结合的应力状态(SvSHSh)。水平主应力差随伽玛值的升高而变小,表明地应力剖面与地层岩性具有较好的对应关系。基于成像测井揭示的钻孔诱导张裂隙分布特征,SZ1井水平最大主应力方向约为N74°W,与区域构造应力场方向基本一致。相关结论为准确认识SZ1井目标层地应力状态,以及后期水平井布设及压裂控制等提供了重要依据。


  • 图  1  研究区及周边地质构造背景


    Figure  1.  Geologic tectonic setting of the study area and surrounding areas

    (a)Map of regional structure and earthquake distribution; (b) Geologic map of the study area

    图  2  测试段井径及伽马测试结果

    Figure  2.  Diameter and gamma test results of the measuring section in Well SZ1

    图  3  1956 m水压致裂地应力测试记录曲线


    Figure  3.  Records of the hydraulic fracturing test at 1956 m depth

    (a) Surface pressure-time and flow-rate curves; (b) Downhole pressure-time curve

    图  4  SZ1主应力随深度分布图

    Figure  4.  Variation of the principal stress with depth in Well SZ1

    图  5  成像测井获得诱发裂隙

    Figure  5.  Image logs showing drilling induced tensile fracturesin Well SZ1

    图  6  区域构造应力场分布图(Hu et al., 2017Heidbach et al., 2016谢富仁等,2004杨树新等,2012谢富仁和崔效锋,2015)


    Figure  6.  Regional stress map (Hu et al., 2017; Heidbach, et al., 2016; Xie et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2012; Xie and Cui, 2015)

    (a)Stress map of China and its adjacent areas based on the WSM database released in 2016; (b) Tectonic stress zoning in China; (c)Stress map of the study area based on the hydraulic fracturing method

    图  7  基于流变模型得到的SZ1井地应力剖面


    Figure  7.  Predicted stress profile of Well SZ1

    (a, d) Natural gamma varies with depth; (b, e) Creep parameters B and n vary with depth; (c, f)Horizontal principal stress difference varies with depth

    图  8  主应力值随深度变化剖面(黑色水平短线代表水压致裂地应力测试确定的水平最小主应力范围)


    Figure  8.  Principal stress varies with depth (Black horizontal bars indicate the range of horizontal stress magnitudes obtained by in situ stress measurement)

    (a)Stress profile for stress ratio φ=0.6 within the strike-slip faulting regime; (b) Stress profile for stress ratio φ=0.6 within the normal faulting regime; (c) Stress profile for stress ratio φ=0.9 within the strike-slip faulting regime; (a) Stress profile for stress ratio φ=0.9 within the normal faulting regime

    表  1  SZ1井水压致裂原地应力测试结果

    Table  1.   In situ stress measurement results of Well SZ1 using the hydraulic fracturing method

    深度/m 压裂参数/MPa 主应力/MPa
    Pb 回次 Ps取值 Ps终值 Ps标准差 Sh Sv
    dt/dP dP/dt 切线法 均值
    1956 43.02 cycle-1 39.34 38.94 39.12 39.13 38.22 0.79 38.22 48.90
    cycle-2 38.15 37.38 38.39 37.97
    cycle-3 37.71 37.1 37.84 37.55
    1968 47.10 cycle-1 41.10 40.96 41.88 41.31 40.43 1.21 40.43 49.20
    cycle-2 40.42 41.97 40.56 40.98
    cycle-3 39.11 38.47 39.43 39.00
    1982 41.74 cycle-1 34.77 34.66 34.29 34.57 33.63 1.04 33.63 49.55
    cycle-2 34.17 33.34 33.99 33.83
    cycle-3 33.07 31.53 32.87 32.49
    1995 40.85 cycle-1 31.51 31.14 32.04 31.56 32.28 0.80 32.28 49.88
    cycle-2 33.21 33.37 33.18 33.25
    cycle-3 32.12 32.18 31.77 32.02
    下载: 导出CSV
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