Re-analyzing the in-situ stress field in the right bank of the Baihetan hydroelectric power plant using the borehole breakout data
摘要: 白鹤滩水电站是仅次于三峡水电站的第二大水电站,位于中国西南地区川滇菱形块体内的金沙江上。通常地壳应力状态是影响地下工程安全的重要地质因素,对地下硐室稳定性分析具有重要意义。在水电站右岸厂房建设过程中,为了水电站的长期安全运营,采用超声波井下电视录井测试系统对白鹤滩右岸厂房锚固洞内7处钻孔进行测试,基于钻孔崩落数据计算了现今白鹤滩右岸厂房区域上方工程岩体的主应力方向。研究结果表明:白鹤滩右岸厂房区域最大水平主应力(SH)方向为北北东—南南西方向,主要受到构造应力、自重应力、河流剥蚀作用以及岸坡卸荷作用的共同影响,属于局部构造应力场。Abstract: The Baihetan hydroelectric power plant, located on the Jinsha River in the Sichuan-Yunnan Block, Southwest China, is the second largest after the Three Gorges hydroelectric power plant. Crustal stress state is an important geological factor affecting underground engineering, and the stability analysis of underground chamber is of great significance. For the long-term safe operation of the Baihetan hydroelectric power plant, the ultrasonic borehole televiewer with high resolution is utilized to log 7 boreholes in the right bank. The data of borehole breakouts are used to calculate the present orientation of principal stress in engineering rock masses. The results show that the orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress (SH) in the right bank is NNE-SSW, which is mainly influenced by tectonic stress, gravitational stress, river denudation and bank slope unloading, belonging to the local tectonic stress field.
图 1 白鹤滩水电站区域地质构造图
Figure 1. Regional tectonic structure of the Baihetan hydroelectric power plant
F1-South section of the Zemuhe fault; F2-North section of the Xiaojiang fault; F3-The Lianfeng fault; F4-The Zhaotong-ludian fault; F5-South section of the Daliangshan fault; F6-The Dagiaohe-Puduhe fault; F7-The Ninghui fault
图 6 钻孔崩落方位角玫瑰图
a—钻孔CZZK 03; b—钻孔QXZK 03; c—钻孔CZZK 05; d—钻孔CZZK 07; e—钻孔CZZK 04; f—钻孔CZZK 08; g—钻孔CZZK 10
Figure 6. Rose diagram of the borehole breakout directions. (a) Borehole CZZK 03. (b) Borehole QXZK 03. (c) Borehole CZZK 05. (d) Borehole CZZK 07. (e) Borehole CZZK 04. (f) Borehole CZZK 08. (g) Borehole CZZK 10.
表 1 白鹤滩右岸厂房区域钻孔崩落最大水平主应力方向
Table 1. Direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress from the borehole breakouts in the area of the right bank cavern of the Baihetan hydroelectric power plant
钻孔编号 崩落数目/个 数据采集范围/m 崩落总长度/m 平均SH方向/(°) 标准差/(°) CZZK 03 17 0~26.2 1.52 25 14.18 QXZK 03 2 0~35.0 0.19 47 1.40 CZZK 05 76 0~26.0 9.75 31 12.49 CZZK 07 24 0~25.0 2.84 31 13.39 CZZK 04 2 0~23.5 0.55 17 0.79 CZZK 08 19 0~23.5 3.83 36 13.08 CZZK 10 24 0~23.5 6.27 25 6.65 -
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