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张达 李芳 贺晓龙 胡擘捷 张鑫明 毕珉烽 王森 霍海龙 薛伟 刘松岩

张达, 李芳, 贺晓龙, 等, 2021. 华南重要成矿区带中生代构造变形及其控岩控矿机理. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 497-528. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.045
引用本文: 张达, 李芳, 贺晓龙, 等, 2021. 华南重要成矿区带中生代构造变形及其控岩控矿机理. 地质力学学报, 27 (4): 497-528. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.045
ZHANG Da, LI Fang, HE Xiaolong, et al., 2021. Mesozoic tectonic deformation and its rock/ore-control mechanism in the important metallogenic belts in South China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 497-528. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.045
Citation: ZHANG Da, LI Fang, HE Xiaolong, et al., 2021. Mesozoic tectonic deformation and its rock/ore-control mechanism in the important metallogenic belts in South China. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (4): 497-528. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.045


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.04.045

国家自然科学基金项目 41772069

国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFC0600509

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 12120113089600

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 12120114028701

中国地质调查局地质调查项目 1212011085472


    张达(1967-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事区域构造、构造地质及矿田构造教学研究工作。E-mail: zhangda@cugb.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P613

Mesozoic tectonic deformation and its rock/ore-control mechanism in the important metallogenic belts in South China


the National Natural Science Foundation of China 41772069

the National Key Research and Development Program of China 2016YFC0600509

the Geological Survey Programs of China Geological Survey 12120113089600

the Geological Survey Programs of China Geological Survey 12120114028701

the Geological Survey Programs of China Geological Survey 1212011085472

  • 摘要: 华南大陆中生代以来受华北板块、西南缘特提斯洋以及东部古太平洋板块会聚作用形成了多序次的构造变形及多期岩浆与成矿事件, 并造就了多个重要的多金属成矿区带。文章在梳理成矿区带典型矽卡岩型矿床矿化期次、矿体分布及成矿机理等关键科学问题的基础上, 利用构造变形序次及其控岩控矿的规律性完善了典型矿床成矿过程及成因机理。通过对闽西南铁多金属成矿带、赣东北塔前-赋春钨铜多金属成矿带以及滇东南老君山钨锡矿集区开展构造变形解析, 结合已有研究成果, 厘定出相对完整的印支期、中晚侏罗世及白垩纪3期变形序列, 但其作用时限、构造性质、规模强度及变形样式却表现不一。通过构造控岩分析并结合已有同位素年代学得出, 不同成矿区带都存在与变形序列相一致的岩浆或变质热事件, 进而利用变形序列与岩浆期次对应规律明确了与马坑式铁多金属矿床、朱溪钨铜矿床以及南秧田钨矿床相关的多期岩浆活动。在此基础上识别出多阶段矿化事件并提出3个典型矿床都存在多期叠加复合成矿的认识。从构造对矿床就位机制控制的角度分析了马坑式矿床分散多变矿体、朱溪矿床垂向大跨度矿化及深部巨型矿体、南秧田矿床层-脉叠加矿体分别受赋矿地层褶皱拆离、大规模双重逆冲以及2期构造变形复合控制的机理。文章最后探讨了不同阶段华南重要成矿区带构造变形及岩浆成矿的动力学背景。


  • 图  1  华南主要构造格局与矿产分布图(据张岳桥等,2009毛景文等,2008修改)

    Figure  1.  Major tectonic pattern and mineral distribution in South China (modified after Zhang et al., 2009; Mao et al., 2008)

    图  2  闽西南地质构造与铁多金属矿床分布图(据张达等,2011修改)

    Figure  2.  Geological structure and distribution of iron polymetallic deposits in southwestern Fujian province (modified after Zhang et al., 2011)

    图  3  闽西南马坑式铁多金属矿床矿体分布剖面示意图(据福建省地质调查院,2011修改)

    Figure  3.  Diagrammatic cross-section of orebody distribution in the Makeng-type polymetallic deposit in southwestern Fujian province (modified after Fujian Institute of Geological Survey, 2011)

    图  4  塔前—赋春成矿带地质构造与矿产分布图(据陈国华等,2012修改)

    Figure  4.  Geological structure and mineral distribution of the Taqian-Fuchun metallogenic belt (modified after Chen et al., 2012)

    图  5  朱溪钨铜矿床联合剖面图(据贺晓龙等,2018修改)

    Figure  5.  Combined profile of the Zhuxi W-Cu deposit (modified after He et al., 2018)

    图  6  老君山矿集区及外围地质构造与矿产分布图(据毕珉烽等, 2015, 修改)

    Figure  6.  Geological structure and mineral distribution of the Laojunshan ore-concentration area and its outer area (modified after Bi et al., 2015)

    图  7  南秧田钨矿床0号勘探线剖面图(据有色地勘局317队资料,1984修改)

    Figure  7.  No.0 exploration line section in the Nanyangtian W deposit (modified after No.317 Geological Party of Yunnan Bureau of Nonferrous Geological and Mineral Exploration, 1984)

    图  8  闽西南中生代构造变形特征

    a—印支期(D1)北东向直立褶皱;b—下二叠统童子岩组细砂岩印支期拆离滑脱带中伴生褶皱;c—下二叠统文笔山组页岩拆离滑脱面及其上不对称褶皱;d—九峰崎推覆构造系统下石炭统与中石炭统黄龙组至下二叠统栖霞组之间的推覆构造面; e—闽西南林邦—白砂推覆构造带林地组与文笔山组之间的推覆构造界面;f—马坑外围石炭—二叠系原地岩系叠瓦状断层及相关褶皱变形

    Figure  8.  Mesozoic structural deformation in southwestern Fujian. (a) Indosinian (D1) NE-trending upright fold. (b) Associated fold in the Indosinian detachment zone of fine sandstone in the Lower Permian Tongziyan Formation. (c) Detachment surface of shale in the Lower Permian Wenbishan Formation and its upper asymmetric fold. (d) Nappe structure surface from the Lower Carboniferous and the Middle Carboniferous Huanglong Formation to the Lower Permian Qixia Formation in Jiufengqi nappe structure system. (e)Nappe structure interface between the Lindi Formation and the Wenbishan Formation in the Linbang-Baisha nappe structure belt in southwestern Fujian. (f) Imbricate faults and related fold deformation in the autochthone of Carboniferous-Permian at the periphery of the Makeng deposit.

    图  9  闽西南早中生代拆离变形及伴生褶皱特征

    Figure  9.  Early Mesozoic detachment deformation and associated folds in southwestern Fujian

    图  10  龙岩翠屏山一带拆离断层及其变形特征(据闽西地质大队,1989修改)

    Figure  10.  Detachment fault and its deformation in the Cuipingshan area, Longyan (modified after The Geological Party of Western Fujian, 1989)

    图  11  闽西南盆地西缘印支期推覆构造剖面图(据闽西地质大队,1989修改)

    Figure  11.  Cross-section of Indosinian nappe structures in the western margin of the southwestern Fujian basin (modified after The Geological Party of Western Fujian, 1989)

    图  12  闽西南盆地西缘中侏罗世末推覆构造特征(D2-1)(据闽西地质大队,1989修改)

    Figure  12.  Middle Jurassic nappe structure(D2-1) in the western margin of the southwestern Fujian basin (modified after The Geological Party of Western Fujian, 1989)

    图  13  闽西南盆地中东部晚侏罗世推覆构造特征(D2-2)(据闽西地质大队,1989修改)

    Figure  13.  Late Jurassic nappe structure(D2-2) in the middle and eastern part of the southwestern Fujian basin (modified after The Geological Party of Western Fujian, 1989)

    图  14  赣东北塔前-赋春钨铜多金属成矿带推覆构造变形特征


    Figure  14.  Nappe structural deformation in the Taqian-Fuchun W-Cu polymetallic mineralization belt.(a) The metamorphic rocks of the Neoproterozoic Wannian Group(Pt3w)overlay the Upper Triassic Anyuan Formation(T3a). (b) The metamorphic rocks of the Wannian Group(Pt3w)overlay the Early Jurassic Shuibei Formation(J1s) and caused the sandstone of the Shuibei Formation to fold. (C) The interface between the Wannian Group(Pt3w) and the Carboniferous-Permian(C2h-P1q)limestone. (d) The fold within the nappe body of the Wannian Group(Pt3w)metamorphic rock indicates the direction of the nappe from NW to SE. (e)The fold-thrust deformation occurred in the Carboniferous-Permian(C2h-P1q)limestone as a fault clip

    图  15  景德镇-鹄山推覆构造变形剖面图(剖面位置见图 4)

    Figure  15.  Cross-section of the Jingdezhen-Hushan nappe structural deformation (The cross-section position is shown in Fig. 4)

    图  16  老君山矿集区构造变形特征

    a—Song Chay穹窿北部拆离断层上盘新寨岩组片岩不对称褶皱指示向北伸展滑脱变形(D1);b—古元古代洒西岩组片岩不对称褶皱指示由南东往北西的逆冲推覆变形(D2);c—洒西岩组中印支期伸展面理(D1S1)受推覆变形改造被D2S2面理置换;d—志留纪片麻状花岗岩中长英质脉体流变褶皱指示南东向北西的剪切变形特征(D2);e—古元古代南秧田片岩倒转褶皱反映南东向北西的逆冲变形(D2);f—南秧田岩组片岩显微褶皱显示印支期S1面理受D2期变形改造;g—斜长角闪岩中片理褶皱变形指示南东向北西逆冲变形特征(D2); h—南捞片麻岩中不对称褶皱变形特征(D2);i—老君山一带北西向张性裂隙中充填的长英质脉体(D3)

    Figure  16.  Structural deformation in the Laojunshan area. (a)The asymmetric folds of the Xinzhai Formation schist on the hanging wall of the detachment fault in the northern part of the Song Chay dome indicate the north-directed detachment (D1). (b) The asymmetric folds of the Saxi Formation schist indicate the thrust deformation from the SE to NW (D2). (c) The Indosinian foliation D1S1 were transpositioned by the foliation D2S2 in the Saxi Formation, because of the thrust deformation. (d) The rheological folds of felsic veins in Silurian gneiss granite indicate the SE to NW shear sense (D2). (e) The overturned folds of the Nanyangtian Formation schist indicate the thrust deformation from the SE to NW (D2). (f) Under the microscope, the foliation S1 were formed folds and overprinted by the foliation S2 in the Nanyangtian Formation. (g) The asymmetric folds of the amphibolite indicate the thrust deformation from the SE to NW (D2). (h) The asymmetric folds of the Nanlao gneiss (D2). (i) Felsic veins developed along the NW-striking tensile fractures in the Laojunshan area (D3).

    图  17  Song Chay穹窿多层次推覆变形及似层状矽卡岩矿体分布图

    Figure  17.  Multi-layer nappe deformation of the Song Chay dome and distribution of layered skarn orebodies

    图  18  龙岩九峰崎推覆体与铁多金属矿床分布图

    Figure  18.  Distribution of the Jiufengqi nappe structure and iron polymetallic deposits in Longyan

    图  19  马坑外围推覆构造及其对矽卡岩型铁矿化体的控制

    Figure  19.  Nappe structures around Makeng and their control on the skarn-type iron mineralization

    图  20  德化阳山受褶皱控制的矽卡岩矿体(据林全胜,2013修改)

    Figure  20.  Skarn orebodies controlled by the folds in Yangshan, Dehua(modified after Lin, 2013)

    图  21  塔前—赋春一带推覆构造控岩控矿特征


    Figure  21.  Characteristics of rock/ore-control by the nappe structures in the Taqian-Fuchun area. (a) The shallow intrusive dike in an eyeball shape is controlled by the nappe structure, indicating the nappe from NW to SE. (b, c) The deformation of asymmetric folds and breccia in Carboniferous-Permian limestone which is the wall rock of the shallow intrusive dike is consistent with the nappe direction indicated by the intrusive dike. (d) The interlayer detachment deformation occurred in the sedimentary strata of the duplex thrust system. (e, f) Multi-stage alteration and mineralization formed in multi-stage tensile fractures in carbonate formations. Cal-calcite; Chl-chlorite; Di-diopside; Grt-garnet; Py-pyrite; Qtz-quartz; Sch-scheelite; Sulfide-metal sulfide; Tr-tremolite; Wo-Wollastonite

    图  22  塔前—赋春一带推覆构造控岩控矿模式图

    1—新元古代变质岩;2—中石炭统—下三叠统碳酸盐岩及碎屑岩(C2-T1);3—中地壳变质变形岩石组合;4—下地壳变质变形岩石组合;5—中侏罗世(~170 Ma)岩浆房;6—黑云母花岗岩岩浆房(~160 Ma);7—二云母花岗岩岩浆房(~150 Ma);8—钠长花岗岩岩浆房(~130 Ma);9—绢云母化黑云母花岗岩岩墙组合体;10—二云母花岗岩岩株;11—钠长花岗岩岩株;12—浅表花岗岩岩脉(~160 Ma);13—浅表花岗岩岩脉(~150 Ma);14—浅表花岗岩岩脉(~130 Ma);15—钨矿(化)体和铜矿(化)体;16—MOHO面;17—逆冲断层;18—顶底板滑脱面

    Figure  22.  Model of rock/ore control by the nappe structures in the Taqian-Fuchun area

    1-Neoproterozoic metamorphic rock; 2-Middle Carboniferous-Lower Triassic carbonate and clastic rocks (C2-T1); 3-Middle crustal metamorphic deformed rock combination; 4-Lower crustal metamorphic deformed rock combination; 5-Middle Jurassic (~170 Ma) magma chamber; 6-Magma chamber of biotite granite (~160 Ma); 7-Magma chamber of muscovite granite (~150 Ma); 8-Magma chamber of albite granite (~130 Ma); 9-Sericitized biotite granite dikes assembly; 10-Two-mica granite stock; 11-Albite granite stock; 12-Shallow granite dike (~160 Ma); 13-Shallow granite dike (~150 Ma); 14-Shallow granite dike (~130 Ma); 15-Tungsten orebody and copper orebody; 16-MOHO surface; 17-Thrust fault; 18-Top and floor detachment plane

    图  23  滇东南W-Sn成矿时代分布特征

    Figure  23.  Distribution of the W-Sn metallogenic ages in southeastern Yunnan

    图  24  老君山矿集区南秧田钨矿床2期构造控矿特征

    a—顺推覆构造剪切面展布的大规模似层状矽卡岩钨矿体(据Zhang et al., 2021修改);b—受D3期北西或东西向张剪性断裂控制的云母-石英-白钨矿脉;c—晚期云母-石英-白钨矿脉体叠加于早期似层状矽卡岩矿体之上(据Zhang et al., 2021修改)

    Figure  24.  Characteristics of the two-stage ore-control structures of the Nanyangtian W deposit in the Laojunshan ore-concentration area(a and c are modified after Zhang et al., 2021). (a) Stratiform skarn W orebody along the thrust shear plane. (b) Mica-quartz-scheelite veins controlled by NW- or EW- trending transtensional faults. (c) Late mica-quartz-scheelite veins superimposed on the early stratiform skarn W orebody.

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