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关雪 逄立臣 姜雨彤 吕红华 郑祥民

关雪, 逄立臣, 姜雨彤, 等, 2021. 太行山地貌计量指标空间特征及其构造地貌意义. 地质力学学报, 27 (2): 280-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.026
引用本文: 关雪, 逄立臣, 姜雨彤, 等, 2021. 太行山地貌计量指标空间特征及其构造地貌意义. 地质力学学报, 27 (2): 280-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.026
GUAN Xue, PANG Lichen, JIANG Yutong, et al., 2021. Spatial characteristics of quantitative geomorphic indices in the Taihang Mountains, north China: Implications for tectonic geomorphology. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (2): 280-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.026
Citation: GUAN Xue, PANG Lichen, JIANG Yutong, et al., 2021. Spatial characteristics of quantitative geomorphic indices in the Taihang Mountains, north China: Implications for tectonic geomorphology. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (2): 280-293. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.026


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.02.026

国家自然科学基金项目 41771013


    关雪(1997-), 女, 在读硕士, 从事构造地貌研究。E-mail: xguangeo@163.com


    吕红华(1978-), 男, 教授, 主要构造地貌研究。E-mail: hhlv@geo.ecnu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P931.2;P542

Spatial characteristics of quantitative geomorphic indices in the Taihang Mountains, north China: Implications for tectonic geomorphology


the National Natural Science Foundation 41771013

  • 摘要: 系统的地貌计量指标分析有助于理解造山带新构造活动特征与地貌演化。太行山地处中国第二、三地形阶梯的边界,具有重要的构造地貌意义。基于ASTER GDEM地形数据,对太行山按流域进行了面积高程积分、河长坡降指标(SL)和Hack剖面等地貌计量指标的分析,结合地层、构造等资料,探讨了太行山构造地貌演化特征。结果表明,在分析的11条河流中,7条河流的面积高程曲线(HC)呈S形,面积高程积分值(HI)在0.35~0.60之间,表明其地貌演化处于壮年阶段,4条河流的HC呈凹形,HI值小于0.35,表明其地貌已遭受强烈侵蚀改造,目前处于地貌演化的老年阶段;7条河流的Hack剖面呈上凸形态,均衡坡降指标值(K)偏高,表明流域所在区域新构造活动较为活跃,4条河流的Hack剖面近似直线,K值偏低,表明河流所在区域新构造活动性较弱;从整体上看,太行山的HI平均值为0.36,HC为接近凹形的S形,表明太行山地貌演化整体上处于"壮年期"向"老年期"过渡阶段;太行山新构造活动性(断裂活动)在空间上存在差异性,东部活动性较强,西部地区活动性相对较弱。


  • 图  1  研究区地理位置与地形、地质图


    Figure  1.  Geographical location, topographic and geological maps of the study area.

    (a) Location of the study area. (b)Topography and river systems. (c) Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Taihang Mountains, north China

    图  2  太行山次集水盆地平均HI与集流阈值、平均面积、平均高差的相关关系图


    Figure  2.  Correlations between mean HI and area threshold, mean area and mean altitude difference of the sub-catchment basins in the Taihang Mountains.

    (a) Mean HI vs. area threshold. (b) Mean HI vs. mean area. (c) Mean HI vs. altitude difference

    图  3  不同集流阈值下太行山面积高程积分值

    a—18 km2; b—54 km2; c—90 km2; d—126 km2; e—162 km2; f—198 km2; g—234 km2; h—270 km2; i—306 km2

    Figure  3.  Spatial distributions of the HI values in the Taihang Mountains at different area thresholds

    图  4  面积高程曲线(HC)


    Figure  4.  Hypsometric curves.

    (a) HC of the Taihang Mountains; (b) HC of the eleven analyzed rivers

    图  5  太行山11条河流的标准化坡降指标(SL/K)和均衡坡降指标(K)

    Figure  5.  SL/K and K for the eleven analyzed rivers in the Taihang Mountains

    图  6  太行山11条河流干流河段的SL/K和Hack剖面


    Figure  6.  SL/K and Hack profiles of the main stream sections of the eleven rivers in the Taihang Mountains.

    a—the Yongding River; b—the Baigou River; c—the Shangtang River; d—the Dasha River; e1, e2—the Hutuo River; f1, f2—the Zhang River; g—the Qin River; h—the Cangtou River; i—the Ziya River; j—the Fen River; k—the Sushui River

    表  1  不同集流阈值下太行山次集水盆地数量、平均面积、平均高差和平均HI

    Table  1.   Attributes of the sub-catchment basins defined by the area threshold

    集流阙值/km2 次集水盆地数量/个 平均面积/km2 平均高差/m 平均HI
    4.5 20277 6.98 369 0.39
    8.1 10449 13.49 439 0.38
    9 9085 15.52 440 0.38
    18 5072 27.63 549 0.37
    54 1712 80.27 728 0.36
    90 1027 132.02 847 0.35
    126 749 178.12 919 0.35
    162 611 216.42 975 0.34
    198 493 265.36 1028 0.34
    234 418 307.80 1075 0.34
    270 362 353.37 1124 0.34
    306 335 378.44 1149 0.34
    下载: 导出CSV
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