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程岳宏 李茂 于兴河

程岳宏, 李茂, 于兴河, 2023. 北部湾盆地涠洲11A油田流一中亚段沉积储层研究. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 188-201. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023011
引用本文: 程岳宏, 李茂, 于兴河, 2023. 北部湾盆地涠洲11A油田流一中亚段沉积储层研究. 地质力学学报, 29 (2): 188-201. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023011
CHENG Yuehong, LI Mao, YU Xinghe, 2023. A study of the sedimentary reservoir in the middle sub-member of the first member of the Liushagang Formation in the Weizhou-11A Oilfield, Beibu Gulf Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 188-201. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023011
Citation: CHENG Yuehong, LI Mao, YU Xinghe, 2023. A study of the sedimentary reservoir in the middle sub-member of the first member of the Liushagang Formation in the Weizhou-11A Oilfield, Beibu Gulf Basin. Journal of Geomechanics, 29 (2): 188-201. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023011


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2023011

国家自然科学基金项目 42272124



  • 中图分类号: [TE122]

A study of the sedimentary reservoir in the middle sub-member of the first member of the Liushagang Formation in the Weizhou-11A Oilfield, Beibu Gulf Basin


the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China 42272124

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷涠洲11A油田构造与钻孔位置图(据裴健翔等,2016修改)


    Figure  1.  Tectonic pattern and location of the Weizhou-11A Oilfield in the Weixi′nan depression, Beibu Gulf Basin(modified from Pei et al., 2016)

    (a)Tectonic outline map of Weixi′nan depression; (b)Well distribution map of the Weizhou-11A Oilfield

    图  2  流一段地震相特征(剖面位置见图 1)

    Figure  2.  The seismic facies characteristics of the first member of the Liushagang Formation

    图  3  流一中亚段岩相类型

    Figure  3.  The lithofacies types of the L1-M

    图  4  流一中亚段典型粒度概率累计曲线图

    Figure  4.  Grain size probability accumulation curves for the L1-M

    图  5  流一中亚段测井相特征图

    Figure  5.  Log facies characteristics for the L1-M

    图  6  过A9-2-A3-A13-A2-3 井沉积微相对比剖面

    Figure  6.  The sedimentary facies section across the wells ofA9-2-A3-A13-A2-3

    图  7  流一中亚段各短期旋回沉积微相平面图

    Figure  7.  Planar distribution of the sedimentary microfacies in different short term level of the L1-M

    图  8  流一中亚段扇三角洲前缘储层模型


    Figure  8.  The reservoir model of the fan-delta front of the Liushagang Formation

    (a) Sedimentary model of the fan-delta front; (b) Reservoir superposition model of the fan-delta front

    图  9  恒山现代扇三角洲沉积特征(1—5代表 5期扇体)

    Figure  9.  The Hengshan modern fan-delta deposits (Number one to five represent fan bodies of five steps)

    表  1  涠洲11A油田流一段中亚段沉积微相类型

    Table  1.   The sedimentary types of the Weizhou-11A Oilfield in the L1-M

    亚相 微相 沉积特征
    流一中亚段 扇三角洲 扇三角洲前缘 辫状水道 以砂砾岩、中粗砂岩为主,发育槽状交错层理、块状层理和正粒序层理,沉积厚度较大,多为多期水道叠置,正序列,岩相组合为Gmg-St或Gn-Sm/St,测井相为中高幅微齿钟形或箱形
    辫流坝 以砂砾岩、中粗砂岩为主,发育块状为主(下部略呈反粒序),板状交错层理、块状层理,沉积厚度大,岩相组合为Gn-Fd-Sm-Sp-Sh-Fr或Fr-Sh-Sm-Sp-Sr-M;测井相为中高幅微齿或锯齿状箱形
    河口坝 以粉砂岩、粉—细砂岩为主,反序列,岩相组合为M-Fh-Fr;测井相为中低幅微齿漏斗形,在研究区发育较少
    席状砂 以分选好的粉砂岩或泥质粉砂岩为主,垂向上表现为泥包砂的特征,发育水平层理,岩相组合为M-Fh,测井相为低幅微齿指形
    水道间 浅灰、浅灰色—灰绿色泥岩为主,偶夹薄层砂岩,岩相为M,测井相为低幅微齿线形,其厚度及上下岩性组合是与前扇三角洲泥的主要区别,通常为砂体或储层间夹层
    前扇三角洲 前扇三角洲泥 灰色—深灰色泥岩为主,泥质较纯,无明显韵律,岩相为M,测井相为低幅微齿线形,厚度规模大,大于10 m,通常为储层的隔层
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