Geochemical features of the Zoujiashan and Shazhou uranium ore deposits in the Xiangshan area, Jiangxi, China: Implications for hydrothermal source
摘要: 结合矿床的蚀变特征,对相山铀矿田邹家山矿床和沙洲矿床不同标高的赋矿围岩及矿石样品进行了常量和微量元素地球化学分析,以制约成矿物质和成矿流体的来源。典型常量元素的变化趋势研究表明,相山矿田垂向蚀变分带明显,邹家山矿床浅部出露的蚀变岩以"碱性"蚀变为主,而沙洲矿床出露的蚀变岩以"酸性"蚀变为主,证实了相山地区蚀变"北碱西酸"的特征。对邹家山和沙洲两个矿床的微量元素进行了相关分析和Q型聚类分析,结果表明两个矿床的地球化学特征相似,Mo、Sr、Th、Tl、U、V、La、Ba是与成矿作用密切相关的元素,微量元素相关分析、Q型聚类分析及正交因子载荷关系分析说明两个矿床成矿热液来源于同一深部流体;正交因子载荷关系分析还表明,流纹英安岩与矿石有极强的相关性,暗示成矿物质最可能来源于流纹英安岩岩浆。Abstract: This article presents a geochemical analysis of the major and trace elements in the wall-rocks and ores at different elevations in the Zhoujiashan and Shazhou ore deposits of the Xiangshan uranium orefield. Combining the analysis results with alteration characteristics of the deposits, we aims to understand the source of ore-forming materials and fluids. The variation trend of the typical major elements shows that the Xiangshan orefield has obvious vertical alteration zonings. The alteration rocks exposed in the shallow part of the Zoujiashan deposit mainly show alkaline alteration, while those exposed in the Shazhou deposit mainly show acidic alteration, which confirms the alteration characteristics of "alkaline alteration in the north and acidic alteration in the west" in the Xiangshan area. Correlation analysis and Q-type cluster analysis of the trace elements in the two deposits show that the geochemical characteristics of the two deposits are similar. Mo, Sr, Th, Tl, U, V, La and Ba are closely related to mineralization. The above two analysis together with the study on loading relations of orthogonal factors reveal that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluids of the two deposits are derived from the same deep fluid. Moreover, the loading relations analysis of orthogonal factors also shows that rhyolite is strongly correlated with ore, suggesting that ore-forming materials are most likely derived from rhyolite magma.
图 1 相山盆地火山构造简图(据温志坚等, 1999; 聂江涛, 2018修改)
1—上白垩统南雄组; 2—下白垩统鹅湖岭组; 3—下白垩统打鼓顶组; 4—上三叠统安源组; 5—中元古界; 6—三叠系; 7—花岗斑岩; 8—燕山早期花岗岩; 9—断裂带
Figure 1. Diagram showing the volcanic structure of the Xiangshan Basin(modified after Wen et al., 1999; Nie, 2018)
1-Nanxiong Formation of Upper Cretaceous; 2-Ehuling Formation of Lower Cretaceous; 3-Daguding Formation of Lower Cretaceous; 4-Anyuan Formation of Upper Triassic; 5-Mesoproterozoic Erathem; 6-Triassic; 7-Granite prophyry; 8-Early Yanshanian granite; 9-Fault and fracture
图 2 邹家山矿床和沙洲矿床蚀变岩类型
Figure 2. Types of altered rocks in the Zoujiashan and Shazhou deposits
(a) Rhyodacite in the Zoujiashan deposit; (b) Porphyroclastic in the Zoujiashan deposit; (c) Porphyritic granite in the Shazhou deposit; (d) Sericitization in the Zoujiashan deposit; (e) Hydromica in the Zoujiashan deposit; (f)Fluoritization in the Zoujiashan deposit; (g) Pyritization in the Shazhou deposit; (h) Hematitezation in the Shazhou deposit
表 1 样品来源及性质简述
Table 1. Location and brief lithological description of the samples
样品号 样品性质 取样位置(标高/m) 岩性 样品号 样品性质 取样位置(标高/m) 岩性 沙洲矿床 XS04-1 围岩 -8 花岗斑岩 XS04-4 蚀变岩 -8 蚀变花岗斑岩 XS04-3 矿石 -8 矿化花岗斑岩 XS02-4 矿石 -58 矿化花岗斑岩 XS02-1 围岩 -58 花岗斑岩 XS03-1 矿石 -98 矿化花岗斑岩 XS02-5 围岩 -58 花岗斑岩 XS03-3 蚀变岩 -98 蚀变花岗斑岩 XS03-2 矿石 -98 矿化花岗斑岩 邹家山矿床 XZ01-1 围岩 -85 碎斑熔岩 XZ01-2 矿石 -85 矿化碎斑熔岩 XZ01-3 蚀变岩 -85 矿变碎斑熔岩 XZ03-1 蚀变岩 -130 蚀变碎斑熔岩 XZ03-2 矿石 -130 矿化碎斑熔岩 XZ03-3 蚀变岩 -130 蚀变碎斑熔岩 XZ09-1 围岩 -210 流纹英安岩 XZ09-2 矿石 -210 矿化流纹英安岩 XZ09-3 蚀变岩 -210 蚀变流纹英安岩 表 2 邹家山矿床和沙洲矿床不同标高样品常量元素表(%)
Table 2. Major elements of samples at different elevations in the Zoujiashan and Shazhou deposits (%)
样品号 样品性质 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 沙洲矿床 XS04-1 围岩 64.79 14.77 3.99 3.57 0.68 3.51 2.52 0.33 0.47 0.094 XS04-3 矿石 18.99 3.91 23.44 9.21 0.98 0.04 0.41 0.08 4.17 1.254 XS04-4 蚀变岩 67.66 14.89 3.34 1.93 0.73 2.35 5.33 0.38 0.11 0.104 XS02-1 围岩 61.09 16.57 3.89 4.15 1.00 6.49 1.18 0.51 0.28 0.158 XS02-4 矿石 63.52 15.31 3.88 3.72 0.88 4.08 3.35 0.48 0.14 0.208 XS02-5 围岩 64.56 15.97 3.52 2.94 0.72 4.54 2.99 0.47 0.12 0.164 XS03-1 矿石 24.61 10.74 19.87 14.51 0.94 1.42 1.77 0.40 0.36 0.568 XS03-2 矿石 48.63 16.26 7.71 8.51 1.32 5.95 1.06 0.52 0.27 0.508 XS03-3 蚀变岩 65.59 15.88 3.91 2.63 0.97 2.88 5.14 0.50 0.05 0.143 邹家山矿床 XZ01-1 围岩 82.57 9.22 1.17 0.20 0.24 0.83 3.89 0.05 0.01 0.016 XZ01-2 矿石 21.32 11.69 1.63 44.04 0.41 0.17 2.84 0.26 0.06 2.282 XZ01-3 蚀变岩 77.99 11.84 1.67 0.50 0.44 0.89 4.17 0.09 0.02 0.173 XZ03-1 围岩 72.20 12.90 1.17 1.87 0.67 0.34 6.70 0.10 0.03 0.043 XZ03-2 矿石 50.21 22.56 2.00 1.75 1.13 0.14 7.96 1.47 0.04 0.778 XZ03-3 蚀变岩 74.82 11.89 1.46 1.76 0.41 1.9 5.22 0.08 0.03 0.025 XZ09-1 围岩 68.41 14.40 2.51 2.75 0.82 1.95 3.84 0.41 0.08 0.151 XZ09-2 矿石 36.40 17.01 4.35 15.26 1.41 1.61 3.53 0.52 0.30 2.830 XZ09-3 蚀变岩 59.36 18.53 4.01 3.01 1.46 5.58 2.44 0.48 0.08 0.258 表 3 邹家山矿床和沙洲矿床不同标高样品微量元素表(×10-6)
Table 3. Trace elements of the samples at different elevations in the Zoujiashan and Shazhou deposits (×10-6)
样品号 Ba Sr Th Rb Nb Zr U Pb Tl Zn Y Ga V Cu Sm La Ta Mo ∑ XS04-1 396 91 24.1 194.0 15.7 254 7.65 60 1.0 20 23.5 16.7 22 5 8.73 84.7 1.1 4 1229 XS04-3 166 137 200.0 34.6 11.6 1050 1000.00 10000 5.2 8960 83.8 9.1 19 84 5.79 29.9 0.3 67 21863 XS04-4 590 134 26.0 228.0 16.9 277 87.10 208 1.0 70 23.6 17.2 26 5 8.81 87.2 1.1 3 1809 XS02-1 246 218 22.3 96.4 18.7 341 16.10 12 0.5 24 20.2 19.4 42 5 9.38 92.9 1.2 5 1190 XS02-4 557 291 24.8 159.0 17.8 348 398.00 18 0.7 36 24.3 17.3 43 5 8.85 81.8 1.1 3 2035 XS02-5 497 218 22.3 198.0 18.0 354 31.40 12 0.9 31 18.5 17.8 42 5 9.06 91.7 1.0 4 1572 XS03-1 125 318 640.0 139.0 22.2 628 1000.00 1300 14.2 3280 161.5 9.2 63 15 11.80 68.3 0.7 885 8681 XS03-2 314 379 64.0 94.3 20.4 421 1000.00 780 1.3 263 33.8 16.0 61 5 9.64 93.6 1.2 39 3596 XS03-3 790 337 25.0 193.0 18.4 350 96.00 31 0.7 67 24.4 18.9 42 5 8.86 83.0 1.2 8 2099 XZ01-1 464 42 23.0 62.8 21.2 63 17.80 46 2.0 24 28.4 14.1 6 5 3.84 14.6 2.0 31 1081 XZ01-2 82 1250 1000.0 339.0 27.3 450 1000.00 337 52.3 38 275.0 9.9 18 5 19.00 38.6 3.0 5250 10194 XZ01-3 287 271 32.5 378.0 12.9 97 143.00 21 4.1 29 30.4 17.5 11 5 3.85 11.1 2.2 193 1550 XZ03-1 132 96 54.7 607.0 15.0 100 79.20 28 5.0 37 46.1 15.6 10 5 5.53 21.2 2.7 33 1293 XZ03-2 145 271 1000.0 1005.0 114.0 494 1000.00 439 26.5 28 1480.0 25.5 32 36 74.40 111.0 9.4 1750 8009 XZ03-3 83 101 71.8 400.0 15.6 86 82.00 35 2.8 21 47.0 13.7 6 5 5.60 19.5 2.5 13 1011 XZ09-1 228 119 31.9 282.0 18.1 195 27.10 22 1.3 43 34.3 15.7 34 5 7.28 49.1 2.0 4 1119 XZ09-2 494 554 1000.0 319.0 24.7 356 1000.00 116 5.9 50 835.0 16.0 43 5 14.90 71.4 2.3 434 5341 XZ09-3 162 132 49.5 270.0 22.2 249 54.20 8 1.4 46 44.2 21.9 40 5 8.11 56.2 2.4 3 1176 表 4 成矿微量元素相关系数矩阵
Table 4. Correlation coefficient matrix of trace elements
Ba Ga La Mo Nb Rb Sm Sr Ta Th Tl U V Y Zr Cu Pb Zn Ba 1.0000 Ga 0.2535 1.0000 La 0.3845 0.5192 1.0000 Mo -0.3764 -0.2599 -0.0531 1.0000 Nb -0.2281 0.5463 0.4446 0.3517 1.0000 Rb -0.3206 0.4767 -0.0303 0.2882 0.7826 1.0000 Sm -0.2136 0.4968 0.4612 0.4097 0.9948 0.7594 1.0000 Sr -0.1226 -0.2888 0.0452 0.8832 0.1314 0.0248 0.1962 1.0000 Ta -0.3326 0.5434 0.1541 0.3839 0.9272 0.9327 0.9099 0.1281 1.0000 Th -0.3037 -0.1048 0.1531 0.7262 0.6062 0.4481 0.6538 0.6811 0.5584 1.0000 Tl -0.4507 -0.2335 -0.0534 0.9842 0.4649 0.3988 0.5179 0.8210 0.4893 0.7820 1.0000 U -0.3000 -0.3256 0.1739 0.5181 0.4133 0.0954 0.4585 0.5716 0.2592 0.7754 0.5783 1.0000 V 0.2095 0.1473 0.7210 -0.1036 0.1139 -0.3468 0.1120 0.1352 -0.1733 0.1478 -0.1138 0.3632 1.0000 Y -0.1692 0.3910 0.3424 0.3662 0.8969 0.7320 0.9089 0.2543 0.8497 0.8021 0.4704 0.5640 0.0931 1.0000 Zr -0.1587 -0.3502 0.2549 0.2170 0.1852 -0.2663 0.2312 0.2255 -0.0848 0.3691 0.2705 0.7094 0.3667 0.2207 1.0000 Cu -0.2163 -0.4789 -0.2390 -0.0722 -0.1299 -0.3067 -0.1051 -0.1209 -0.2460 0.0073 -0.0180 0.3792 -0.1154 -0.0648 0.7971 1.0000 Pb -0.2282 -0.4729 -0.2077 -0.0414 -0.0926 -0.2916 -0.0663 -0.0879 -0.2165 0.0374 0.0141 0.4325 -0.0906 -0.0329 0.8190 0.9962 1.0000 Zn -0.2583 -0.5552 -0.2097 -0.0538 -0.1292 -0.3392 -0.1048 -0.1041 -0.2796 0.0644 0.0108 0.4491 0.0051 -0.0675 0.8382 0.9739 0.9701 1.0000 表 5 正交因子载荷矩阵图
Table 5. Loaing matrix of orthogonal factors
因子1 因子2 因子3 因子4 公因子方差 Ba -0.2490 -0.2668 0.3066 0.5328 0.5111 Ga 0.6123 -0.4551 0.4262 0.3043 0.8564 La 0.3173 -0.0841 0.0346 0.8874 0.8964 Mo 0.1932 -0.0360 -0.9308 -0.1548 0.9290 Nb 0.9618 0.0138 -0.1790 0.1489 0.9794 Rb 0.8661 -0.2619 -0.0855 -0.3468 0.9463 Sm 0.9428 0.0389 -0.2431 0.1650 0.9767 Sr -0.0452 -0.0814 -0.9528 0.1071 0.9279 Ta 0.9516 -0.1623 -0.1753 -0.1625 0.9890 Th 0.5090 0.1494 -0.7645 0.0910 0.8741 Tl 0.3203 0.0395 -0.8982 -0.1864 0.9456 U 0.2825 0.5476 -0.6458 0.2482 0.8584 V -0.0434 0.0777 -0.1005 0.8964 0.8216 Y 0.8885 0.0771 -0.2952 0.1412 0.9025 Zr 0.0689 0.8907 -0.2677 0.3242 0.9749 Cu -0.1092 0.9646 0.0724 -0.1521 0.9708 Pb -0.0823 0.9722 0.0398 -0.1274 0.9698 Zn -0.1364 0.9804 0.0131 -0.0901 0.9880 方差贡献 5.3212 4.3560 4.1643 2.4764 累计方差贡献 0.2956 0.5376 0.7690 0.9066 -
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