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邓军 战明国 周伟金 伍松乐 黄宁 张润秋 谢淑云

邓军, 战明国, 周伟金, 等, 2021. 基于模糊证据权法的广西典型金矿矿产定量预测. 地质力学学报, 27 (3): 374-390. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.03.034
引用本文: 邓军, 战明国, 周伟金, 等, 2021. 基于模糊证据权法的广西典型金矿矿产定量预测. 地质力学学报, 27 (3): 374-390. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.03.034
DENG Jun, ZHAN Mingguo, ZHOU Weijin, et al., 2021. Quantitative prediction of mineral resources in typical gold deposits in Guangxi, China using a fuzzy weights of evidence method. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (3): 374-390. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.03.034
Citation: DENG Jun, ZHAN Mingguo, ZHOU Weijin, et al., 2021. Quantitative prediction of mineral resources in typical gold deposits in Guangxi, China using a fuzzy weights of evidence method. Journal of Geomechanics, 27 (3): 374-390. DOI: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.03.034


doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.03.034
基金项目: 广西关键矿产资源深部勘查人才小高地项目(桂组通字[2019]85号);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(DD20190379-19);广西壮族自治区地质矿产勘查开发局前期工作项目(桂地矿综[2019]06号)

    邓军(1973-), 男, 工程硕士, 教授级高工, 从事地质矿产勘查与研究工作。E-mail: dragon.dj@163.com


    谢淑云(1976-), 女, 博士, 教授, 主要从事勘查地球化学和数学地球科学研究。E-mail: tinaxie@cug.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P627;P314.3

Quantitative prediction of mineral resources in typical gold deposits in Guangxi, China using a fuzzy weights of evidence method

Funds: This research is financially supported by Talent Highland Project of Key Mineral Resources Deep Exploration in Guangxi (Notification of Organization Department in Guangxi, No.[2019]85, 2019-2023), Provincial Entrusted Project under China Geological Survey (Grant No.DD20190379-19), and Preliminary Work Project of Bureau of Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development in Guangxi Institute of Geological Survey (Comprehensive study of geology and mineral resources in Guangxi, No.[2019]06)
  • 摘要: 多信息融合的矿产资源定量预测是当前资源潜力预测的前缘课题,不同地质背景信息与地球化学数据的深度挖掘是当前该领域急需解决的关键问题。文章通过总结广西各构造单元地质背景和成矿控制要素,在ArcGIS、GeoDAS等软件平台基础上,分析了广西全区60767个地球化学样品中Au、Ag、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sn、Sb等主要成矿及伴生元素的空间分布特征。基于GeoDAS平台,通过IDW插值、S-A异常分解、主成分分析等技术,选取地球化学组合元素异常、重磁异常以及岩浆岩与断层交点缓冲区数据,通过模糊证据权模型,重点选取卡林型金矿和破碎带蚀变金矿2种典型矿产类型,编制了成矿后验概率图,圈定了金成矿有利地段。该研究对应用新的成矿理论和评价技术方法在广西开展矿产资源潜力评价以及区划工作具有重要的参考意义。


  • 图  1  Au元素地球化学空间分布及不同类型金矿点分布图

    Figure  1.  Spatial distribution of Au contents and different types of gold deposits in the study area

    图  2  广西金矿矿产预测主要技术路线图

    Figure  2.  Flowchart of mineral resources prediction in the gold deposits in the study area

    图  3  区域地质要素缓冲区示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the buffer zones of regional geological elements. (a) Mapping of magmatic rocks, faults and gold ores. (b) Buffer zones of faults. (c) Buffer zones of magmatic rocks. (d) Buffer zones at the intersection of magmatic rocks and faults.

    图  4  2个证据图层分布图


    Figure  4.  Distribution map of two evidence layers. (a) Regional aeromagnetic data. (b) Gravity data.

    图  5  主成分的相对重要性示意图

    Figure  5.  Plot of relative importance of principal components based on variance vs. characteristic root

    图  6  主成分得分图


    Figure  6.  Score plots of principal components. (a) Score plot of PCA1. (b) Score plot of PCA3

    图  7  基于S-A方法的背景与异常区分示意图

    a-PCA1的S-A双对数坐标图; b-PCA3的S-A双对数坐标图

    Figure  7.  Separation of anomalies from background based on S-A method. (a) Log-log diagram of S-A relationship of PCA1. (b)Log-log diagram of S-A relationship of PCA3

    图  8  基于S-A分解的第一主成分背景场和异常场

    a-第一主成分背景场分布图; b-第一主成分异常场分布图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of geochemical background field and anomaly field based on S-A method. (a) Distribution of PCA1 geochemical background field. (b) Distribution of PCA1 geochemical anomaly field

    图  9  基于S-A分解的第三主成分背景场和异常场

    a-第三主成分背景场分布图; b-第三主成分异常场分布图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of geochemical background field and anomaly field based on S-A method. (a) Distribution of PCA3 geochemical background field. (b) Distribution of PCA3 geochemical anomaly field

    图  10  布格重力异常图层隶属度函数v-t图解及模糊证据权重的选择示意图(红色点表示与成矿密切相关的点、蓝色点表示与成矿关系不密切的点)

    Figure  10.  V-T diagram of membership function of Bouguer gravity anomaly layer and selection of fuzzy evidence weights (red points indicate points closely related to mineralization, blue points indicate points not closely related to mineralization)

    图  11  采用模糊证据权法计算的金的后验概率图及资源潜力远景区预测

    I-桂中加里东地槽褶皱带(I1-桂北隆起;I2-柳州坳陷;I3-桂东北过渡带;I4-大瑶山隆起;I5-云开隆起);II-桂南海西地槽褶皱带;III-桂西印支地槽褶皱(III1-都阳山隆起III2-右江坳陷;III3-西大明山隆起;III4-十万大山坳陷);1-四堡断裂2-平珮岭断裂;3-三江-融安断裂;4-寿城断裂;5-龙胜-永福断裂;6-资源断裂;7-陆川-岑溪断裂;8-博白-梧州断裂;9-灵山-藤县断裂;10-峒中-小董断裂带;11-高屏-新黑断裂;12-凭祥-大黎断裂带;13-荔浦断裂;14-下雷-灵马断裂;15-那坡断裂带;16-右江断裂带;17-田林-巴马断裂带;18-南丹-昆仑关断裂带;19-白石断裂;20-栗木-马江断裂;21-富川断裂;22-桂林-来宾断裂带;23-观音阁断裂带;24-宜山-柳城断裂带a-依据PCA1背景与异常分解后卡林型金矿预测后验概率图; b-依据PCA3背景与异常分解后破碎带蚀变型金矿预测后验概率图

    Figure  11.  Posterior probability map of Au and target areas for gold deposits delineated by the fuzzy weights of evidence method. (a) Carlin-type gold deposits predicted by PCA1 background and anomaly decomposition. (b) Altered type gold deposits predicted by PCA3 background and anomaly decomposition I-Caledonian geosynclinal fold belt in Central Guangxi (I1-Northern Guangxi uplift; I2-Liuzhou depression; I3-Northeast Guangxi transitional zone; I4-Dayaoshan uplift; I5-Yunkai uplift); II-Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt in southern Guangxi; III-Indosinian geosynclinal fold in Western Guangxi (III1-Duyangshan uplift; III2-Youjiang depression; III3-Xidamingshan uplift; III4-Shiwandashan depression); 1-Sipu fault, 2-Pingpeiling fault; 3-Sanjiang-rong′an fault; 4-Shoucheng fault; 5-Longsheng-Yongfu fault; 6-Ziyuan fault; 7-Luchuan-Cenxi fault; 8-Bobai-Wuzhou fault; 9-Lingshan-Tengxian fault; 10-Dongzhong-Xiaodong fault zone; 11-Gaoping-Xinhei fault; 12-Pingxiang-Dali fault zone; 13-Lipu fault; 14-Xialei-Lingma fault; 15-Napo fault zone; 16-Youjiang fault zone; 17-Tianlin-Bama fault zone; 18-Nandan-Kunlunguan fault zone; 19-Baishi fault; 20-Limu-Majiang fault; 21-Fuchuan fault; 22-Guilin-Laibin fault zone; 23-Guanyin′ge fault zone; 24-Yishan-Liucheng fault zone

    图  12  卡林型金矿后验概率标准化值与三叠系地层空间分布图

    Figure  12.  Posterior probability map of Carlin-type gold deposits and Triassic strata spatial distribution

    图  13  卡林型金矿预测靶区与广西有色金属成矿带分布


    Figure  13.  Distribution of Carlin-type gold deposits predicted target area and Guangxi nonferrous metal metallogenic belts I-Danchi metallogenic belt of Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Sb-Hg; II-Northern Guangxi metallogenic belt of Sn-W-Cu-Ni-Pb-Zn; III-Northeastern Guangxi metallogenic belt of Sn-W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag; IV-Damingshan metallogenic belt of W-Cu-Au; V-Dayaoshan metallogenic belt of Cu-Pb-Zn-Au; VI-Yunkaidashan metallogenic belt of Pb-Zn-W-Au; VII-West Damingshan metallogenic belt of Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag; VIII-Western Guangxi metallogenic belt of Au-Sb; IX-Jingxi-Pingguo metallogenic belt of Al

    图  14  证据权法破碎带蚀变岩型金矿预测与广西有色金属成矿带分布图


    Figure  14.  Prediction map of altered rock type gold deposits in fracture zone by the weights of evidence method and the distribution of Guangxi nonferrous metal metallogenic belts I-Danchi metallogenic belt of Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Sb-Hg; II-Northern Guangxi metallogenic belt of Sn-W-Cu-Ni-Pb-Zn; III-Northeastern Guangxi metallogenic belt of Sn-W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag; IV-Damingshan metallogenic belt of W-Cu-Au; V-Dayaoshan metallogenic belt of Cu-Pb-Zn-Au; VI-Yunkaidashan metallogenic belt of Pb-Zn-W-Au; VII-West Damingshan metallogenic belt of Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag; VIII-Western Guangxi metallogenic belt of Au-Sb; IX-Jingxi-Pingguo metallogenic belt of Al

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