Volume 19 Issue 2
Jun.  2013
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LIU Ai-hua, YANG Qing, WU Jun-ping, 2013. A PRACTICAL ANSYS 3-D NUMERICAL SIMULATION METHOD FOR IN-SITU STRESS FIELD. Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (2): 133-142.
Citation: LIU Ai-hua, YANG Qing, WU Jun-ping, 2013. A PRACTICAL ANSYS 3-D NUMERICAL SIMULATION METHOD FOR IN-SITU STRESS FIELD. Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (2): 133-142.


More Information
  • Received: 2012-11-21
  • Published: 2013-06-28
  • In-situ stress field, which is consist of self-weight stress field and tectonic stress field, is one of the most important factors in the deep underground engineering analysis. There are some defects in present commonly used three dimensional stress field simulation method, then it is not very well in maintaining ground stress field distribution rule and avoiding additional displacement. Firstly, two methods are evaluated and some Java programming is built based on the better one to create the initial stress file. And that can be done by a simple EXCEL method without programming when higher version ANSYS software is used. Then, a simple node reaction method is put forward to realize ground stress balance which means the displacement in the finite element model is zero. At last, all good methods in the process are integrated into a practical ANSYS 3-D numerical simulation method for in-situ stress field.


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